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Broadband only deals

Get superfast, reliable speeds from our broadband only deals.

Enter your postcode to see what’s available in your home:

Here's what you can get at your home

All these broadband packages have 18 month contracts and no setup fee.


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Switching broadband is easy

Pick your package

Pop in your postcode to check we can service your home, then grab the deal that’s best for you.

Enter your details

Choose switching when you check out, and add your current provider’s details ready for us to contact them.

Switch sorted!

Your current contract will end ready for ours to begin, meaning no overlapping bills and no loss of service.

Why choose Virgin Media broadband only?

Superfast, reliable speeds

Our Intelligent WiFi Hub chooses the least busy connections for your devices, giving you the fastest available speeds.

Priority from O2

Enjoy all the rewards, on us. No other broadband only deals come with access to Priority, for perks, daily treats and experiences.

WiFi guarantee

Enjoy download speeds of at least 30Mbps in every room, or £100 bill credit back. Gigabit and Volt Fibre Broadband have WiFi Max included, coverage can also be added all other deals.

Exclusive Volt benefits

Enjoy a speed upgrade, double data and much more, just for taking our broadband service alone and an O2 SIM, in a Volt broadband only deal.

Our broadband only speeds

Whether you need 100Mbps or gigabit broadband only deals, we have you covered. You could get a full choice of all our speeds. So, what are some options that we’d recommend?

  • A one or two person home: M125
  • A family or shared household: M250
  • Watching and streaming in 4K: M350
  • Avid online gamers or gadget-filled homes: M500

What to consider when picking a broadband only deal?


You’ll need to check your postcode to find out if we’re available in your area. When you’ve seen how fast you can go and what broadband deals you can get, you’ll be ready to start comparing our offers.

Internet speed

Choose a broadband only deal that will give you the internet speed you need. You could look into:

  • M125 Fibre Broadband, if you have up to 9 devices.
  • M250 Fibre Broadband and above, if you have 10 or more devices.
  • M350 Fibre Broadband and faster speeds, made for online gaming and busy, gadget-filled homes.

Learn about our speeds, for help if you’re not sure how fast you really need to go.

Data allowance

All of our broadband deals let you make unlimited downloads. There’s no monthly broadband data allowance for you to worry about – whereas, on some other networks, if it this were to run out, you may need to decide between paying extra charges to use the internet or staying offline until the allowance refreshes at the end of the month.


Check that the monthly price of the broadband only plan is within your budget. And make sure you understand any one-off costs, such as a setup fee or delivery charges, so you don’t get any surprises. You can tap ‘Plan details’ to find out more about each of our broadband only deals.


Our broadband and TV deals are often cheaper than getting broadband on its own. Why not see if having TV with your broadband can help you save each month, before you commit to having a broadband only deal?

Contract length

Consider how long you can commit to signing up for. Our longer 24-month contract broadband only deals may offer better value than the 18-month option, while our shorter rolling-contracts may offer more flexibility.

Working from home

Is your business registered to your home address? If so, you could get one of our fixed price business broadband deals, backed up by 24/7 phone support for even more peace of mind.

What does broadband only mean?

These broadband only deals offer a superfast, reliable connection to the internet without the need to take a home phone service. Sometimes called WiFi without phone or internet without phone line, these deals let you avoid the cost of a landline that may not necessarily be used.

How does no landline broadband work?

Sign up to the deal that’s right for you and you’ll soon have our broadband on its own. Our WiFi Hub will provide you with superfast internet connection without needing a home phone line or service.

If you don’t fancy being tied into a long contract, why not take a look at our flexible contracts? With no early disconnection fees and the freedom to cancel with just 30 days' notice, our flexible contract broadband is perfect for those who are after a short-term contract

Broadband only FAQs

The legal stuff

No setup fee

This promotion means you won’t pay the usual setup fee of £35. No setup fee is available on all bundles, broadband & phone, and broadband only packages. If you can set up using a QuickStart self-install pack, but choose to use an engineer for the installation, you’ll still be charged £30 for this service.

Hisense TV or £200 bill credit:

  • This offer is available to new Virgin Media customers ordering the Bigger Combo bundle + Movies, Bigger Combo bundle + Sports HD, Biggest Combo bundle (including Volt variants) or the Mega Volt bundle online.
  • The bundle needs to be ordered between 20 February and 11.59pm on 3 March 2025.
  • This offer can’t be used with another offer.
  • A household can only claim 1 TV or 1 bill credit amount.
  • We can remove this offer at any time.
  • Prices may change during your contract.
  • We can’t offer cash or anything else in place of this offer.
  • You won’t be able to keep your TV or bill credit if:
  • You cancel your services before they’re installed or before the end of your 14-day cancellation period.
  • You downgrade your bundle before your services are installed or before the end of your 14-day cancellation period.

Virgin Media £200 bill credit: This offer is available to new Virgin Media customers ordering the Bigger Combo bundle + Movies, Bigger Combo bundle + Sports HD, Biggest Combo bundle (including Volt variants) or the Mega Volt bundle online. This bill credit will be applied to your first bill. Any that’s left over will be applied to your following bills until it’s all used. This offer runs between 20 February and 11.59pm on 3 March 2025.

These prices are for new customers only.

Virgin Media services are only available in eligible Virgin Media network areas. Virgin TV 360 and, for the time being, home phone are not available in new network expansion areas.

All of the products on this page are subject to survey, network capacity and a credit check.

Each service has a minimum contract length that’s shown in your basket.

If you take a bundle with both Virgin Media and O2, you’ll have separate contracts and bills – one for Virgin Media, and another for O2.

Priority is a service from O2 that current Virgin Media customers aged 16+ can also use.
  • Offers are subject to eligibility and availability.
  • Read the terms on the Priority app or at

Get fast, reliable WiFi gliding through every room or money back
WiFi Guarantee available with M50 broadband or faster. £8p/m extra or included with Gig1, Gig2 or Volt. At least 30Mbps download speeds in every room or £100 one-off credit. Up to 3 WiFi Pods if needed. Exclusions & legal stuff apply.