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Helpful tips to boost your broadband

Router woes and intermittent drops are a thing of the past with these helpful little broadband hacks to help you get the most oomph from your WiFi

By Virgin Media Edit

Tue 20th Aug 2024

Broadband is a lot like a fridge – something you shouldn’t ever really think about in your daily life unless something has gone wrong with it. And while a fridge will give you helpful hints that all isn’t well, like lumpy milk or your bacon turning brown, it isn’t always obvious you need to sort out an issue with your connection.

But fear not, because we have two bits of good news. The first is that issues with your WiFi or broadband can often be very easily solved. The second is that we’ve bundled up some helpful little broadband hacks to make those connection woes a thing of the past.

And don’t forget, if anything does go wrong with your Virgin Media products and services, we’ll sort it for you with our peace-of-mind repairs service.

Read on for our three top tips you need to know in order to get some serious oomph from your broadband…